Euphonious Radio

Euphonious Radio
'Supporting Indie Music Worldwide

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Welcome To The Bell City

It has taken it seems like a lifetime to find the right broadcast location for Euphonious Radio and a home for myself. After receiving a few curve balls from life, I think I have finally hit a home run (sorry for the baseball analogy). The top of my wish list was a small storefront property looking onto a busy street with a lot of car/foot traffic. Where I could broadcast from downstairs and then above it I would live in a mid sized apartment. Now, reality gave me the room with a street level window and a great broadcast space. Well, it turns out reality also wants me to live in the same space. So, I broadcast/live in this room on a residential street with my large window on street level. After living in Hamilton for the past thirty years it feels nice to venture somewhere new.
The "Bell City" as it's known among the longtime residents, gets the name after Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone. Of course, I prefer to use this other reference, "The birthplace of Wayne Gretzky" as I am a huge hockey fan. Yes, Brantford is much smaller than Hamilton with a quarter of the population and I am fine with the downsizing of the city and my living space, so I can be closer to my girls.
Hopefully, this is where Euphonious Radio will lay down some roots and become part of the Brantford community.  This idea excites me a lot and gives me the drive needed to full fill the dream. I know Euphonious will become somehow involved in different charities and community activities over the years to come. For now, we are the new kid in town and we need to earn your respect before you will change your music listening practices and become a regular listener to Euphonious Radio.
We offer a new twist compared to analogue radio, we have actual music shows where you will either be entertained and/or educated about music. We seem to know when to talk and when not to, therefore there is a lot more music being played.  We know you like a variety of music, so we play a lot of independent music, alongside the mainstream greats. For us music is like food, we consume ourselves with all things music. Then, we remind ourselves this is our job, this is a legitimate business, and we need to make a profit every year in order to exist.  Ok fair enough, but we still love music regardless of what we are doing or where we are doing it. All the money or a lack of, will never change how we feel about music or our relationship with it, as a listener or as a musician.
This is why I created Euphonious Radio because I love music!

Steve Wey
Euphonious Radio